Author Archives: Carl

Time for a update

I’ve been away for a few days.
When kids get sick you can’t expect to be as productive as you’d like. Good thing weekend came and saved me.

I’ll probably go for a exhibition title like “Sigurd Fafnesbane and other virtual heroes”
There will be a sketch for the poster coming up in a day or so.

Lot’s of hacking ans slashing today. Sigurd has been busy chopping off Regins head and thrusting his sword into the heart of Fafner.

I felt that I wanted to make some sculpts that contemporary people can relate to. So I dived into the game industry and made a little something from their design.

Sigurd stabs Fafner from below

Sigurd stabs Fafner from below

Sigurd chops off Regins head

Sigurd chops off Regins head

Master Chief dropped a helmet

Master Chief dropped a helmet

Assasins Creed III

Assasins Creed III


Two ravens


Time for the birds sitting in the tree behind Sigurd having a debate regarding the outcome of the event being played out before them. I was glad that I held back on the scales for the last dragon. Birds however do have a lot of feathers. And I really liked the way they came out. But it took forever. No more birds. Well maybe some more but they will be more of a lump on a stick.

It’s time to do some beheading. Sigurd is in for a big sweeping motion with a sword in hand. And Regin is about to loose his head.

Also I removed the automatic share with Facebook and LinkedIn. That will allow me to see if I have any dedicated followers ๐Ÿ™‚ and also the impact I get when I make a post that is shared.
I also Think that people are less inclined to click and look if I post every day. So there will be daily updates or so but only weekly push by the means of other social media.

Sculpt dump


Sigurd listen to birds


Even if I don’t update every day doesn’t mean I don’t work.
So here is the first and hopefully not last sculpt dump.

Finished the big sculpt of Sigurd licking his fingers after burning them on the barbecue heart of Fafner. Getting the dragons blood into his mouth enables him to understand the song the birds are singing.







Caught something big?

Caught something big?


Loke as a fortunate fisherman catches the dwarf Andvare.









Fafner the dragon

Fafner in dragon shape


After making the big sculpt of Sigurd I needed to relax and decided to make another dragon shape for Fafner. Not as big as the last and less abstract.

utters last moments in this life

Why not enjoy life?



Well there he is. Utter, sunbathing to his hearts content. Head turned away and can’t be seen from this angle. Well I can’t show you everything else you won’t show up in person ๐Ÿ™‚
Hard to find the time to sculpt during the weekend when sun is shining and the ice is perfect for skating.

Stepping into the comfort zone every now and then to breathe. In a few minutes I’ll go back downstairs to work some more on a bigger piece figuring Sigurd.
Clay has a tendency not to support figures standing up. So I keep treading new ground.

Making props and taking care of old projects

miniature swords

Spending time with my blacksmith friend and his fantastic wife is always a fantastic.
They are both great role models. When I get older I want to be like them.

I had to start the day by closing a old chapter with a tripod for cooking over open fire.
Once that was done I could spend a hour or so to create some props for my sculpts.
Never have I made so many swords, spears and axes in one day.



Reidmar slightly upset

Reimar sees something that makes him a bit upset.
Trying to keep up.

On the quest for gold

The shape shifting dwarf Andvare in the shape of a pike guarding his treasure.

The shape shifting dwarf Andvare in the shape of a pike guarding his treasure.

As Loke seeks gold to save his friends he decides to capture the dwarf Andvare that was known to have a large golden treasure. But as he takes the Andvares treasure the dwarf casts a curse upon the golden ring named Andvaranaut. “Who ever holds this ring will die” Or something catchy like that. So there he is, a pike.

Tomorrow morning at 6 I’ll be off to my blacksmith friend and forge some props for my sculptures.
Also I have to go by my supplier for more clay.

Loke gets a quest

Loke does some thinking

Loke not so trustworthy

By the time Reidmar find out what the gods had done to his son, Loke has to figure out a way to bring enough gold to both fill and cover the skin of Utter as compensation for the loss.
I figure Loke is a bit of a opportunist so he might consider a way to make some mischief.


oden_aSo here he is. The mighty Oden ๐Ÿ™‚
Why doesn’t he have any clothes? Well I figured, what has he got to hide?
So here he is about to be bound as Loke get’s the quest to find the gold that they need to pay Reidmar for killing his son Utter