I have been kept busy most of the winter working on Kolmårdens new map for their visitors.
Now that I have the time I really enjoy letting my mind go into free fall.
I have been kept busy most of the winter working on Kolmårdens new map for their visitors.
Now that I have the time I really enjoy letting my mind go into free fall.
Jag och 61 andra konstnärer visar upp våra laster
7 november 2015 – 24 januari 2016
Rum 2 & 3
Sörmlandssalongen 2015 arrangeras av Eskilstuna konstförening och blir den 54:e i ordningen
Vernissage lördag 7 november
Invigningceremoni kl 13
Landshövding Liselott Hagberg inviger utställningen
Here is the official invite to my exhibition at Galleri Hantverket in Stockholm this January. I’ll show you bronze and ceramic sculptures alongside photographs.
Help me make this exhibition into a fantastic event.
PDF dowload Wellander_gamla_gudar_januari_2015
I just published a page to display the content of my exhibition #gestures that was a total success! The interaction with the visitors writing the emotions of the sculptures on small pieces of paper worked better than expected. By putting them back side up you could write your thoughts and then turn and see what others had written before you. Lot’s of interesting thoughts were shared from the early birds to the very last visitor.
I will update it shortly with more images and the words that people wrote.
Go here or use the menu under “sculptures”
Turns out to work better than I expected. Here Sleipner is laying on his back on a soft pillow to keep the shape. In the top two images there is a leg going straight down. that one will support the entire sculpt when mounted. Tomorrow I’ll apply the mane and tail and do the final touches. Will have to find a sloping stone to get a proper balance on the final sculpt.
These animals with thin legs are rather hard to make without armature. So this time I’m testing a new method where I make front and back as separate pieces. If all works as planned I should be able to fuse the two parts without to much trouble. I think that making horses are kind of daunting since I don’t really know what they look like. But yesterday I made my homework and by making this mythological beast I’ll find them all easier in the future. At least they usually come with half the number of legs 🙂