Category Archives: Uncategorized


We had a break in at Galleri Hantverket 2017-01-06

I lost four sculptures. Se my page for stolen art

I just want them back. So if you have seen them please tell the current owner that they were stolen and I really want them back to be able to continue. I don’t have the economical overhead to afford this kind of loss.

Working at the Icehotel

Earlier this autumn (2016) I was asked by my good friend Ulrika Tallving to assist in her creation of a suite in the new Icehotel365/ Jukkasjärvi.

It was two weeks of intense work and fantastic social hang out after work.gryning
Winter was just around the corner when we got there. Temperatures ranging in the sub zero but after two weeks temperatures dropped rapidly to -20 isblock
Ice harvested last winter was awaitinohdearg our tools to be carved into sculptures.
Oh Dear! was the name of our room. And the snow sculpture stands 190 cm tall excluding the crown of ice. Many hugs to all of you fellow artists and support for making this into a great experience.

Snabbskulptur II

Galleri Vindfång, Nyköping
20 augusti, kl 11-16
21 augusti kl 12-14

Snabbskulptur II här länken till KKV och eventet.
Auktion on-line

Från oss för dig till dem!

Bryggeriets 20-års jubileum i samarbete med KKV till förmån för UNHCRJag Carl Wellander och Ulrika Tallving kommer här att sälja skulpturerna som vi skapade på besökarnas begäran under snabbskulpturevenemanget i juni.

Verken auktioneras bort och köparen sätter in pengarna direkt på en insamling som vi skapat hos UNHCR.

Här några av skulpturerna som ska brännas två gånger innan de blir klara för försäljning.

Atelje Y


Jag har förmånen att ställa ut mina bronskor och hästar vid Atleje Y i Stora Skedvi under juli månad.
Hurra för Peter Flinck och hans vackra oas!

Atelje Y_2016_1
Moa Anderssons fantastiska keramiska skulptur syns i bakgrunden. Atelje Y_2016_2

Speedsculpture event

Saturday june 18  at 11 – 15
Celebrating the 20th aniversary of “Bryggeriet” cultural center in Nykoping/Sweden I’m hosting an event where I and some friends sculpt on-demand. We will be performing outside my studio at Bryggeriet.
Come and make a wish and we will do our outmost to blow your mind with our creations or our own minds in trying to do so.

The produced sculptures will be fired and presented at Galleri Vindfång on august 20. We will during the exhibition have an auction on the sculptures and the profit will be donated to UNHCR.

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Time to work

I have been kept busy most of the winter working on Kolmårdens new map for their visitors.
Now that I have the time I really enjoy letting my mind go into free fall.

It came from the sea Don't call me drunk!

Lagårn i Ullsta and “Lagårn i Ullsta”
Opens on may 1 and closes on the may 29.

I have the opportunity to display my “cow release” and some bronze horses one being Sleipner.


Spring release!

Ten cows make up this piece picturing the spring release of cattle.

I’ll take a photo of them outdoor to accompany the horse picture made for the #gestures.

Bronze sculptures

Releasing the cows